

The objectives  of the Society are listed below:


  • Promote the importance of airtightness of buildings.
  • Promote the importance of air permeability testing of buildings.


  • Foster research and development of airtight design, construction and testing of buildings.


  • Support legislation of building airtightness and the adoption of air permeability testing.
  • Adopt and develop standards for air permeability design, construction and testing of buildings.

Quality Assurance

  • Provide and support airtightness training for designers, builders and tradespeople.
  • Support a certification scheme for air permeability testers.
  • Provide leadership in the regulation and standards of this profession.
  • Promote and encourage professional and ethical conduct of members.
  • Support a quality assurance and data collection scheme for air permeability tests.


  • Manage the Society in an efficient and cost-effective manner for the advancement of the Society and it’s members.